Tuesday, May 23, 2017

What kind of insurance will self-employed cars need?

It seems that sooner or later autonomous cars will begin to move on European roads. Several models are already being tested in the USA. And it looks like Sweden will soon test 100 Volvo cars on its roads. We are going to talk about the best car insurance rates.

Self-employed cars in the shell

Reality or fiction, there are still many issues to be resolved in terms of the operation of these vehicles and in terms of the regulations and limitations that will regulate their operation. Some of these questions have to do with insurance and everything related to liability in claims. In this regard, during the II Jornada on Technology and Road Safety (February 28, 2017), Luis Montoro, President of the Foundation for Road Safety, exposed some skepticism regarding this type of intelligent and self-sufficient vehicles , Ensuring that we live in a dangerous time, with many inventions and few reflections. Some of the questions that Montoro has launched have been focused on the safety that autonomous cars will offer: "What insurance are you going to have? At what age can it be used? Who will have responsibility in an accident? Who will decide the moral dilemma in a complicated situation? What training will we have? Will millions of professional drivers disappear? Will there be traffic cops and fines? Who will control the maintenance of laser systems, radar, cameras and satellites of autonomous cars?"

car insurance

Will Such Car Insurance Be Cheaper?

It's not an easy question. In fact, there are many issues related to which we would have to respond first, starting with the verification of the accidents of these vehicles. In any case, as we have already mentioned in this blog, this type of vehicles could have cheaper insurance, since, on the one hand, since there is no driver, it will not be possible to commit human errors that will lead to accidents. And, on the other, it seems logical to think that claims will tend to decrease by greatly lowering insurance premiums due to automation. We find an example of the reduction of the premiums to semiautonomous cars, since an insurer rewards the use of the Tesla Autopilot system. Thus, the company Root Insurance offers discounts to Tesla car owners will get discounts on their premiums if they use the automatic steering system Autopilot system, which is responsible for keeping the vehicle in its lane automatically, without driver intervention. Apparently this discount has to do with a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that concluded that the number of accidents of Tesla models has dropped almost 40 percent after the implementation of the Autopilot system. The insurer has also announced more similar auto conduction discounts by the end of 2017 for owners of other semi-automotive vehicles.

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What kind of insurance will self-employed cars need?

It seems that sooner or later autonomous cars will begin to move on European roads. Several models are already being tested in the USA. And...